7 mindfulness mistakes to avoid when you’re a Coach.
Do you ever wonder why your mindfulness practice isn’t ‘working’? You’re still stressing over your audience growth. You still feel icky when you send out your sales post or still overthinking your coaching offer. Maybe you meditate every day, just like they say you ‘should’, but you’re not getting all zenned out as you desperately wish you would and all the while, this is knocking your confidence. You could be making some simple mindfulness mistakes that could easily be sorted.
If this is you, check out this post to see if you are making any of these common mindfulness mistakes.
The coach’s secret to taming your inner critic.
Read about why some of the more instinctive methods of dealing with our self-critical voice don’t work. Why mindfulness skills can very often be a better option when dealing with your inner critic and building your confidence as a coach and also what these mindfulness skills might look like.